Tuesday, March 31, 2009

For all of the ladies who do not trust their mate I think its time to get a google phone on a shared plan. There are several stories floating around about google finder. My favorite one is about a woman who launched the application to where her cheating husband may be and low and behold him and his truck was right in view. So she downloaded the picture and went straight to a divorce lawyer. She is of course divorcing him for infidelity. The husband has not commented on the divorce claim, but he has commented on the fact that he feels as though google has violated his privacy. Google has defended themselves by stating that when the customer signed up he did not read the terms of service. The service is like a GPS tracking the actual phone equipment so there was no privacy when placing the service on his handset and he agreed to have the service on his handset and to the terms of service. I find this funny on one hand because he was caught and it was no way to lie and say that it wasn’t him. The photo was clear on down to his range rover in the parking spot behind him, than on the other hand it makes me nervous because this is Big Brother action for real they can track you down with a satellite and know your exact location. So I wonder.....if you want to know where someone is and you have the service and they are not on your plan but they have the service can you locate them? I have a lot of questions about this. I know you have comments So Let me know what you think

Protect your Computer come 4/1/09

The conficker worm is coming to get all of your information and invade all of the computers in your home. If you are a MAC user this does not apply to you (rolling my eyes) you all are exempt from worms and viruses and other things that cause us to pay more money to Microsoft. That is truely an investment I am going to have to make in 2009 .I have a co-worker who swears that Microsoft creates these things to get us to update our computers regularly, and the more I read the more I am starting to wonder about his theory. Well getting back on topic this worm “conficker” has been made to actually reach out to its creator to get new instructions on 4/1/09 .Now this is a problem because the creator still has not been identified and this worm is credited with destroying several networks. It is the most destructive of its kind and IT people everywhere are waiting and hoping that 4/7/09 goes by incident free. Some say that it will be like the Y2K bug noting but hype, but some analyst say they think that it’s a viable threat so all need to be careful. Here are some links to help with security on your home computer if your not sure if your system is protected. Be safe while you are surfing.

Microsoft Patch

Microsfot Autorun Update

Removal tools

Microsoft tools

Additional Removal resources

Vaccine Tool

The Resurrection

Happy Tuesday All I hope you all had a great weekend and good start to your week. Today the verdict of Ria Ramkisson is on Trouble’s Mind she has been found guilty of abusing her one year old son leading to his death. She has been sentenced to five years probation and no jail time in exchange for her testimony against four members of the cult. The small child was starved to death because he would not say amen. The groups’ leader told the mother that her son will be raised from the dead like Christ. She has believed it so much that she has that as a stipulation of her probation, if her son is raised from the dead the probation will be null. Now I understand one having their own beliefs and faith but once it is placed in court documents doesn’t that change things, just a little? The group she was involved with is considered so much of a cult that she has to participate in psychiatric deprogramming. I understand her being true to religion and her faith but I have real harsh feelings towards her because nothing is supposed to trump the mommy card. Mommy is always in my mind supposed to kick in and protect your young one. But I will keep my opinions of how she should be punished to myself. I would like to know how you feel about the courts placing that wording in her plea agreement, and if you think 5 years probation was a fluke of a sentence for killing an innocent helpless child.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Questionable Traffic Stop

Well today while reading the paper I came across a story that I found to be sad. I found it to be sad because on one hand the officer felt like he was doing his job and that he couldn’t just fall for any story given to him for someone who broke the law. But on the other hand they were at the hospital so all he had to do was go in and verify the story. A football player Ryan Moats was rushing his wife to a local hospital in Texas because her mom was dying from breast cancer. Mr. Moats ran a red light to get her there because they were advised that her mom was about to pass and the family who wanted to be there needed to be there soon. While in transit right outside of the hospital Mr Moats ran a red light and was pulled over right in front of the hospital. Mrs. Moats jumped out the car and started running into the hospital the officer ordered her back into the car she replied that her mom was dying and ignored his request and continued into the hospital. So while preparing to give a citation the officer and Mr. Moats had a very heated exchange. The officer even threatened to jail Mr. Moats. Moats could not at that point locate his insurance paperwork and was advised by the officer that he needed to shut up and cooperate or he was going to jail for running a red light. After all of this exchange the officer gave him a ticket and lectured him for an additional 13 minutes during which his mother in law passed away. During all of this there was another passenger in the car who happened to be the father of Mr. Moat’s mother in law so he had to sit through this ordeal wanting to be with his daughter during her final moments but held in front of the hospital by a police officer. I understand that police officers have a job to do I also understand that they get all kinds of sob stories, but the fact that they were in front of the hospital just kind of makes me wonder what kind of person the officer is. He could have easily escorted them in there to verify instead of intentionally delaying them from spending final moments with their loved one. I am grateful that he wasn’t a over reactor because things could have been worst he could have shot Mrs. Moats in her back while she made her way into the hospital because she refused to stop on his order so I am grateful for that. It seems to me that they may need some sensitivity training or something. We send our Prayers and condolences to the Moats family.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Good Afternoon All

The server has been down most of the day so I will not be blogging today but I will have plenty to talk about tomorrow. Enjoy your evening


To all that receive my Blog in e-mail I am sending a huge apology the final product for some reason has not been reaching your inbox but the actual drafts that I start from my cell phone and haven’t proof read and some that do not make any sense.Someone brought it to my attention this evening So please accept my apologies.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Puppets Speaks Loud and Clear

Well today is “WHY” Wednesday and I am just full of questions today. Like why would a person continuously prove that they are a puppet? Why would someone constantly prove that they talk because they can and that they really have nothing to say? “WHY”? Why would one put his ego aside before making a statement because even though they have a personal agenda the fact is that statement is larger than them? Well if I ever get a chance I will ask Bobby Jindal these questions. Because yes I can understand that there is pressure to want to have your own identity since you will be trying to run for president in the next election 2012, But to make it to that point you need to choose and pick your battles carefully and he is not. His communication is very blah so he has a lot of work to do to catch up,because now America has had the pleasure of having a leader who can articulate himself properly and he makes plenty of sense nothing like the past 8 years. Gov Jindal decides to give his take on the question of” Do you want the president to fail?” This man’s reply is a response that shows jealousy and envy. He defended anyone who wants him to fail. he feels as though we have as americans have put to much faith in Obama and he will not be brow beaten to submission.No one wants to be brow beaten,but cooperation is actually one of the skills needed for being a leader Governor Jindal.I believe in healthy opposition, but in the current position of the financial state of America hoping that the man who is trying to put things back into perspective is not only nuts but it’s wanting this country to fail because he fails WE all lose. Not democrats or Republicans but American's. We all lose and that is not good for any American so get over your party foolishness. We need leadership that’s trying to assist in helping to rebuild the country. Not one that is going to make every turn a difficult task because the people who vote remember all too clearly when it comes time to go to the polls.

Open for Questions

The president has now initiated a new feature for his way of governing the free world in this technical day and age.He wants to be accessible to the American people, The people he works for. It is simply titled Open for Questions.There is a link on the home page of the white house web site that is asking for questions.They are looking for your questions to ask the president and you can vote for your question and others starting this wednesday. The most popular ones will be answered by the President on thursday.He is trying this new feature and thursday is the 1st of a few online town hall meetings.So log onto www.whitehouse.gov/OpenForQuestions and register so you can try to get your questions answered by President Obama.The meeting will be streamed Live from the White House.Pass it on .

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

RACIST ARTor Expression

Today on this wonderful Tuesday Racism is again on Troubles mind why cant we just cal it what it is. I think that people are so in the mid set that it just can’t be going on in the year of 2009, but it is. This has to be one of the most blatant cases of racism that I have ever seen and to think that at one time it was ok for people to get away with worst is a horrific thought for me. This was sent to me by a friend in NY. There is an artist who goes by the name of Yazmany Arboleda decided that he would do an exhibit about the assassination of Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama. He tried to show the exhibit in the middle of Manhattan. This person states that his art is covered by the constitution because he assumed it was expression. He is wrong it is flat out racism and a call to have these two public figures assassinated. What is this world coming to These pictures are very offensive and to me disturbing and not to be viewed by young eyes. He even set up web sites for the two in one exhibits
I gave my opinion Post a comment and tell me what you think

Monday, March 23, 2009


Do you ever have a time where you hear a song that takes you back to back to high school? Well I had the pleasure of having one of those moments. I am a lot on the chunky side theses days so I have been in the gym working my way back down to just plain ole thick. So one day last week on our way to the gym a lady walks up to me and my companion and asked if we wanted tickets to see New Kids on The Block. The concert was starting at that very moment and so it was a split second decision. I am such a woman so I am like I don’t want to go to a concert like this I don’t have on any jewelry or the correct clothes. My companion who is just baffled by the female species is like WHAT? LOL with a look of get over yourself on his face. I shake it off and go in tan sweatpants and a Black T shirt so I am not feeling not cute at all, but when we get inside and the NKOTB came out on stage I forgot about what I had on. It took me back to 1989-1993 all of the hits. Not to mention the women my age in the original NKOTB t-shirts and paraphernalia some had their small kids with them that new all the songs that had been sung and were just as fanatical as their moms it was a very nostalgic moment for me to go back in time. Those were the times before boyfriends’, kids’, bills, or any responsibility .WOW Great memories and NKOTB still gives a great show still vibrant and energetic the show was great I am glad I didn’t miss out because of my wardrobe. I learned from that moment that I need to stop being superficial and just do what I need to do. It was a great flashback moment. I got to scream like a school girl and it was OK.

Independent Woman 2009

I am an independent woman. So many of use that statement with such pride and arrogance and yes it can be a wonderful thing at least sometimes. I am realizing more and more that we are independent women and yes we can do it all by myself, but we don’t want to. The I am a millennium woman mentality in some ways has handicapped us when it comes to sharing. We are so use to sharing things that are nonsensical and of unimportance, that when it is time to share with a significant other we are at a lost for words (YES ME INCLUDED) and its not that we are keeping secrets or even have anything to hide but because we can be outspoken and can keep it real about any everything else when it comes to matters of the heart we are a bunch of wusses. We Can hardly verbalize our thoughts and when we do its in fragments. Some are fortunate enough to have someone that understands that they have been alone and not in a relationship for sometime so they have some patience, but it is a problem that we need to fix. No one wants to be alone or to lose someone special because they can’t seem to get it together and the worst thing is when speaking with others no pne knows even where to start. The thought of being the old lady in the house with all the cats is not what most see in their future but without communication how can you stop it? Your mate is now giving warning signs of their patience wearing thin and that you need to fix the problem ASAP.What is it that chokes us up? It is the thought of being that vulnerable that makes us feel helpless? Is it that we are scared that this wonderful person will in turns use the weakness against us? I need some thoughts and opinions Male and Female.

Whats 1 Day?

I would like to know when the education of our children took a back seat to everything else and how did we allow this to happen. Why would we allow the cost of gas allow us to cost a complete day out of education? We like to think we are a superpower but with the education system in the state that it’s in we are going to be a tragedy all the weapons and non one smart enough to use them. Every other country puts education first but NOOOOOO not us we are so materialistic and just backwards that it’s not a major upset to cut a complete day of instruction out. Our future is looking REAL shaky, and I feel almost powerless to stop what is going to be a major mistake. This is not right it is handicapping out future and the future of our country. I would like comments on this tell me what do you think?

The Wonders at Home

HAPPY MONDAY ALL, I am back from my mini vacation. I took a week off to rest before starting classes. So let’s jump right into what’s on Trouble’s Mind. I want to start with something pleasant. I had the pleasure of just cruising around DC this weekend and realized how much there is to see. There are the monuments and museums but even the architecture of the building in that area are just amazing. I had a good time and realized that I live so close and really don’t take advantage of all the things to do and see in D.C. . Just like for most people in our area when you say harbor most people will automatically assume you are speaking of the inner harbor in Baltimore but I had the pleasure of visiting the National Harbor in Maryland on the out skirts of DC it has some of the best restaurants like McCormick & Schmicks, Grace’s Mandarin, and my favorite Cake love. There are also places to shop like the Fossil Store, Harley Davidson, The Life is Good Store and the America! store. I liked the America! Store had all the good America apparel as well as white house doodads and trinkets. Not to mention they have a Segway retailer so you can buy, lease, or rent a Segway. I really want t ride on of those so got to put that on my to do list. It is really beautiful with the sculptures and paintings and they also moved a sculpture from DC to the national Harbor. The man in the ground, 1 of my travel partners this weekend described it best “Looks like titan coming out of the ground”. It is always nice to travel and see different things but it’s even better to find wonderful things right at home. O and just a reminder the Cherry Blossoms are blooming. The peak dates are April 1st –April 11th this year so if you get a chance go and visit they are truly gorgeous.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Missing at Sea

I am sending out my prayer to the family of NFL player’s Corey Smith, Marquis Cooper and Will Bleakley. The men went on a fishing trip on Saturday morning and did not return home. It is said that the weather became a little unruly and the boat overturned. The Coast Guard has now called off the search the mission. R.I.P.

iPhone set free

Happy Wednesday everyone Well today on my mind is an iphone. I read an article today about a hearing to open up the iphone as well as other exclusive phone to all providers. A few small companies have teamed up and decided that they if a item is only available to one company it is not fair competition and they are taking it all the way to D.C. . They have appointments set up with the Federal Communications Commission, the Copyright Office, the Federal Trade Commission, and congressional leaders, asking them to outlaw exclusive handset and software deals. This will be very interesting and of course will be an up hill battle for them because most of the people who benefit from these deals are going to lawyer up and they are going to fight it all the way to the top. This type of situation could cost some of the wireless providers a lot of $$$$ which is major revenue loss. They will not take this one sitting down so I hope the smaller companies are ready because this will be a true battle. I know tech junkies like myself could only dream of getting my hands on the iphone, I love the phone but I can’t take the AT&T service so something like this would be great for me not so good for the companies involved. This will be interesting I added the link to the article so you can read. Leave a Comment.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Presedential Weekly Address

Well this saturday the president did his weekly address and it is titled "Keeping Promises ".I was impressed as I have been with his delivery as well as his list of things accomplised. Here is his speech take a listen and tell me what you think. Dont forget to leave comment.

video courtesy of www.whitehouse.gov

Officer Not So Friendly

HAPPY SNOWY MONDAY ALL!!!!! Today questionable police beatings are on Trouble’s mind. I was sent a video of a police officer beat down a 15 year old girl. Now I am first to say that a teenager will most definitely push all of your buttons but the way this officer handled her, if he saw her parents attack her the way he attacked her he would have arrested them. I could not believe the unnecessary force used in this assault yes I said assault the police department is saying she was being detained it looks like assault to me. I may be overreacting but I will include the clip so you can give your opinion. I personally believe that the police officer involved may have to look for another job because he doesn’t realize that his job is to protect and serve.Not to mention he has been under the microscope for previous unethical behaviour. So I look forward to seeing how this one plays out. I also look forward to your comments. Tell me how it makes you feel.