Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Protect your Computer come 4/1/09

The conficker worm is coming to get all of your information and invade all of the computers in your home. If you are a MAC user this does not apply to you (rolling my eyes) you all are exempt from worms and viruses and other things that cause us to pay more money to Microsoft. That is truely an investment I am going to have to make in 2009 .I have a co-worker who swears that Microsoft creates these things to get us to update our computers regularly, and the more I read the more I am starting to wonder about his theory. Well getting back on topic this worm “conficker” has been made to actually reach out to its creator to get new instructions on 4/1/09 .Now this is a problem because the creator still has not been identified and this worm is credited with destroying several networks. It is the most destructive of its kind and IT people everywhere are waiting and hoping that 4/7/09 goes by incident free. Some say that it will be like the Y2K bug noting but hype, but some analyst say they think that it’s a viable threat so all need to be careful. Here are some links to help with security on your home computer if your not sure if your system is protected. Be safe while you are surfing.

Microsoft Patch

Microsfot Autorun Update

Removal tools

Microsoft tools

Additional Removal resources

Vaccine Tool

1 comment:

  1. I know that this is real but I was waiting for... Ha ha APRIL FOOLS! lol. That is crazy and I do agree that Mac is a good investment.
