Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today the subject that is weighing heavy on trouble mind is that of the Lupoe family. I have ran scenarios through my mind tying to understand what could have caused the two adults in this situation to find no other way out but to end their lives and the lives of their young children. The more the media is coming out with information the more confused I am getting. I want to know did they reach out to someone and say that they felt trapped with no way out. Did they make any attempts to find resources so that they didn’t have to live in poverty, or is this story of murder suicide orchestrated by the Mr. Lupoe? Did Mrs. Lupoe really play a part in ending the lives of her young children and herself over having to struggle for a small period of time or was she married to a weak minded man who was not strong enough to handle a struggle? I understand how devastating it is to loose a job, but we pay a consequence for every action so when they lied to get cheaper daycare were they not aware of the consequences, or did they think they were not going to get caught? My heart goes out to the family member’s who is left to deal with this mystery and have to live with the unanswered questions. I would love to get some of my reader’s opinions and your take on this event. Have we become such a society where we rather die than earn what’s rightfully ours? Have we become such an instant fix society that the thought of struggle is unbearable? I understand what is like to have to struggle with children but children learn from the struggles of their parents it makes them want to do better so they don’t have to struggle. I hope that those beautiful babies did not suffer long, and if the mother is truly a victim that she didn’t either. But if she was a willing party I hope she is judged accordingly. I don’t have the facts to form a solid opinion and reality is only Mr. and Mrs. Lupoe knows what happened those two days. But I can say this was truly one of the saddest stories I have ever heard.

1 comment:

  1. It is very sad and unfortunate that the out that they saw fitting was death.I am grateful that I grew up in a house that God built (lol). But seriously a house that remimded me that I have to have faith no matter what. Loosing material things is hard but temporary, loosing life is devastating and final. Life is suppose to be precious. Just think, there is nobody to carry on his name... that is the end.
