Today I want to discuss relationship building after pain and hurt. I myself have been through some traumatic events that have caused me to treat relationships differently from friendships (platonic) on down to intimate friendships. Because I myself have learned that I am a very trusting person once you make it past all the stuff I use to protect myself from people I tend to be aggressive sometimes even unbearable but that is my armor to keep people out because once your in you see that I am a strong person but vulnerable all at the same time so A friend of mine gave me this book that places friendships in a perspective that seems so obvious you almost feel foolish for not seeing it that way. The name of the book “Who Is in Your Circle and Why?” it is by Dr J. Calvin Alberty. It gives examples and tells a story that anyone will fall in love with and it helps you to set boundaries and realize the differences between acquaintances and how to build healthy long term relationships. It is one of the most awesome reads I am able to incorporate in my everyday life. This is a MUST read I would suggest you read and spread the word this book is awesome. I have not read a book that has broken down relationships Platonic and intimate with such detail. It has examples it gives details of lines that need to be drawn and how to do so without being offensive and suffering consequences which is also noted. Dr Alberty put a lot of thought, research and time into this book and I recommend it to you once you have read this book you will also recommend it. You can reach out to Dr Alberty at his web site You can also get a copy of the book there. In this new year not only should we focus on getting finances straight we need to get our relationships in order we need to make the sick ones healthy and to cut loose those who bring no value to our lives
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