Wednesday, April 6, 2011

You Want To Teach My Kids WHAT?!?!?!

. California is trying to pass a bill that would add homosexuality, gay rights and the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender agenda to the curriculum and text books. I understand the need to have some things added into a curriculum for education. I believe that things like the holocaust, slavery, and the discovery of America needs to be taught. I agree that mathematics, Science, and English are important to learning and molding who you are and where you come from. I agree that children should be taught human rights and the struggle that have plagued mankind. I do not agree with a teacher explaining homosexuality, gay rights and the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender agenda to my children. I feel the same about sexual education I feel it is something that needs to be taught at home. With education being on the back burner due to budget cuts and our children being able to barely count and spell adding that to the curriculum should not be a priority. I understand that what’s happening with the Gay community is considered a civil rights issue, but it should be up to the parents. What grade would you teach such a thing? I understand that they want to marry and have the same rights as married couples, but what else is on the agenda? I have a few questions and this is such a broad spectrum that it could leave a lot to interpretation and a few other things that will not pertain to civil rights could end up being discussed. The US educational system is just above passing and can barely teach our children the basics to pass state assessments. Now for California a state that is bankrupt and giving out IOU’s for state income tax that is just ludicrous that this would be a priority for them. What’s next? Shaking My Head.

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