Tuesday, February 24, 2009

11 year old murderer?

Ok I try my best not to focus on the negative things in life but what in the world is happening when a preteen child premeditates murder? I was just sent a story about an 11 year old that shot his father’s pregnant girlfriend in the head while she slept. The little boy hid his shotgun which was a Christmas present under a blanket and walked down the steps in to her bedroom and shot her in the head. He than picked up the shot gun casing and discarded on his way to catch the school bus. I do not understand how this generation is so desensitized that they do not understand the value of life and the consequences of taking someone else’s life. He had this planned and knew what the outcome would be. This little boy has been trained on shooting weapons from a very young age so he understood that when you shoot something living that it will die. I wonder how his dad feels about this; he lost his girlfriend and an unborn child. My prayers go out to the family for the lost of the expecting mother the victim and the lost of such a young life that is now damaged in some aspects even though he committed the crime he is also a victim. He may go to jail and he may have lost the love of his Dad. So sad Comments Please

1 comment:

  1. This boy became what his father wanted him to be which was a killer. Why else would someone put a shotgun in the hands of an eleven year old boy...
