Monday, February 9, 2009

In The Cinemas This Weekend!!!!

Well let’s talk movies. This weekend I had the pleasure of taking in 2 movies I was able to enjoy the movie “Taken” which stars Liam Neeson. This movie is all that I expected it to be. For those of you that enjoy a good action movie with crazy car chases and awesome hand to hand combat I urge you to go and see “Taken”. This man goes above and beyond the call of duty to find his daughter. I think what I liked best about the movie is that none of his stunts were to outlandish, like I could see someone performing those stunts. He made sure he accomplished finding his daughter and getting her home so for all you action people I strongly recommend “Taken”.

Next movie up is “Push”. I enjoyed the storyline behind “Push” it has a cast of some new faces and some familiar ones but the effects in this one was good. It was a crazy sci fi theme with mutants and an organization (The Division) trying to control them and a race against time to change the future to a pleasant one. I have to say the little girl in this film Dakota Fanning was hilarious and good in her role she made you feel her plight. It also had Mr Djimon Hounsou in the role as a bad guy which he was pretty convincing. Overall I enjoyed this movie and the rollercoaster of action and strange mutants and their powers. So I would also recommend this for an action pack journey through Hong Kong where the movie was based.
So overall I enjoyed my movie experience this weekend and would recommend the 2 movies I saw this weekend.


  1. I saw the trailer for "Push" I would love to go and see it. I think I will treat myself one weekend... not the one coming it's lovers day...eeeeel lol
