Monday, February 2, 2009


HAPPY MONDAY ALL!!!! This weekend seemed to be one of those that flew by; it also was a weekend that had plenty of events. Well for some the largest story is that of the Pittsburgh Steelers winning their 6th super bowl. YEAH, YEAH, YEAH Congrats to those fanatical fans who were running around screaming I told ya so. But I will say that for a young team from the parts of the game I did watch they played a good game and almost won so better luck next time.

The second largest story of the day is that of Michael Phelps being photographed Smoking on some Ganja. Now I find this hilarious, and let me tell you why. Mr. Phelps is not new to negative spotlight, he has been arrested for DUI before so why would a little weed be too far behind it. What does make me curious as to why he allowed himself to be photographed? I know we live in the day and age of no privacy with camera and video phones so I know he is aware of that also so why didn’t he wait to puff, puff, pass until he was in a safe and secure place. I am not mad that he smoked I am mad that he did it in public to get caught now his lively hood is on the line. I read that an athlete who is caught using drugs can not participate in Olympics for 4 years so I want to know how this will play out. SO now I am waiting for those announcements from sponsors who will be using their morals clause to get out of the endorsement deals. I hope he learns from this and that he will keep his questionable activities in his home.

Also in the spotlight is former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele winning the republican national committee chairmanship. It is proof that it’s not just a new day for democrats but that the Republican Party has also realized that it’s all about qualification. Mr. Steele says he is thankful for the new seat and looks forward to leading his party; He also wants to take the tarnish off of the republican shine. He has plan that is written out in blue print I am impressed. He seems to be very intelligent and ready for the task he has, he even wrote that he knows the people no longer trust the Republican Party so they now have to regain the trust of the American people. He also stated that he is excited with the members of his party for not supporting President Obama on the stimulus plan, so it seems they will be giving him a battle all the way .Good Luck to you Mr. Steele you have your work cut out for you.

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