Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Happy Tuesday all, Today the HBO movie “Taking Chance” is on my mind. We have all had some experience with a lost of someone to the war in the Middle East. This movie goes into detail and shows it from a different point of view, it shows it from the view of the military escort and the entire experience on escorting the marines remains home. So many people who never even asked what he was doing knew and all gave condolences and shared in the experience like it was there loved one. The movie really touched me, but one part in particular that touched me was when he was on a layover and he ran into another marine who was an escort and they had small talk and the other escort said that his family was meeting him and when asked if he was related he said yes it was his brother. It was very touching and emotional for me. Not the fact of the person who passed which is a sad story in and of itself but how many who have been touched by the war in one way or another. People gave trinkets and cried as if they knew the deceased or had the experience recently. I can not explain why it touched me so deeply, but if you have HBO and hour and a half to spare I recommend this movie.

1 comment:

  1. I did not know that you watched this movie. I felt the same way. I thought that I would watch it for a few minutes and then change but it was a different prespective and it allowed me to understand a part of death due to the war that I can honestly say I never really thought about.
