Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Salary Cuts for CEO's

Another News topic that has the water cooler buzzing this morning is the fact that president Obama wants to put a cap on the over paid executives pay, at least those that reached out to the government for corporate welfare. Those CEO’s will be capped at $500.000, I know what your thinking, do you know what I could do with 500.000 yeah me to, but 500.000 is a salary cut. Most of those CEO’s make 7 digits so for them their salary will be cut in half. Well I mean it could be worst they could get busted down to the salary of their executive assistant or something so they better not whine, as a matter of the fact when the company you work for is in financial crisis and you make 7 digits you should expect to loose some of that salary. And I mean as it was so nicely stated why should you be rewarded for failure? Also severance packages for executives who leave failing firms are also going to be eliminated so if you jump ship before it sinks you wont be getting a golden life boat to sail off in. I applaud this action cause if you are for the people we want you to prove it and this is a good start.

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