Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baltimore Schools

Happy Wednesday Everyone, Today the Baltimore City School system is on Trouble’s mind. Education is the responsibility of the parents and student and that is where the foundation and importance of education is laid. The school is where the child is educated and given advice on how to maintain good grades and the actual instruction is in the school building. There are many people included in this process teacher, administrators, guidance counselors and so forth. Again I want to reiterate that the initial foundation is laid at home. In Baltimore there has been a break in the chain of this process some are at home, but most are in the school system. The system is jacked up, a big mess no one knows what’s going on. You have children being transferred from one school to another with out the parents having any idea and there is no logical explanation. The children are running wild in the hallways and screaming in the cafeteria it is a Disaster. There seems to be no structure and a major loss of control. The powers that be seem to be sweeping the problems under the rug. No one wants to take responsibility or attempt to fix the problem; they rather place band aids on long term problems until something bad happens. The Mayor in Baltimore decided to visit one of the schools that have such problems. It is a shame and it sets a terrible precedent to only reward when there has been a tragedy. A student was stabbed outside of the school, and the mayor decided to meet with students and talk about job placement for them. As a parent I feel as though the school system should be handles the same way they handle the road side beautification, on the regular basis. They put up pretty flowers and bricks and murals to beautify Baltimore while school children are reading out of text books that were printed in the 80’s. The students only feel that they are a priority when the make a ruckus. That should never be the case. The local government should be held accountable so that they will then hold the school district accountable, because these young people will be holding important jobs and the wrong example is being set for them to carry in the real world. This problem needs to be fixed and fixed immediately……I know I just went on a RANT, but this is about what’s on my mind. Please Readers I would love to read your comments


  1. First of all lets just call a spade a spade, most Baltimore City schools suck! The teacher dont know how to handle the students, the books are out dated, you cant drink the water, either they have no heat or AC (results in children being sent home), they close at the hint of any weather and most importantly the students who attend are BLACK; so no one cares. None of the above is an issue for any County School in Maryland. However no matter where you go to school you are expected to pass the same standard test as everybody else. Having said all that I don't blame the schools for the conditions they are currently in; I blame the residents of Baltimore City for allowing it to continue. If anyone really cared and took action, the powers that be would also care but we don't so they dont. The same way they can find funds to build these million dollar condos (which are mostly vacant) they could build and maintain decent schools. Baltimore City residents have to demand better learing conditions for their children before anyone else will.

  2. "Thats how I feel" I agree with you and yes it is up to us the residents and parents to make it happen... Thanks for posting
